[Tutor] floats

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Fri Dec 3 20:01:19 CET 2010

On 12/3/2010 10:52 AM Christopher Spears said...
> I have a float variable that is very long.
>>>> float_a = 1.16667
> However, I want to pass the value of float_a to float_b, but I want the float to be accurate to two decimal points.
>>>> float_a = 1.16667
>>>> print "%.2f" % float_a
> 1.17
> I tried the following:
>>>> float_b = "%.2f" % float_a
>>>> float_b
> '1.17'
>>>> type(float_b)
> <type 'str'>
> This doesn't work because it yields a string.
> Any suggestions?

If you want control over the precision I'd use the decimal module.

 >>> x
 >>> y = decimal.Decimal("%.2f" % x)
 >>> y


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