[Tutor] import errors

Pete pkoek11 at xs4all.nl
Wed Aug 11 17:48:52 CEST 2010


A common line I've seen in Python code I come across is:

import os
import sys
import errors

I was wondering about the line that says, "import errors". I understand what it's for, but what I don't get is how Python knows which 'errors.py' to import.

On my laptop:

macbook:bin han$ locate errors.py | grep -E 'py$'

... so there seem to be more than one 'errors.py' - one for the email module, one for Skype4Py, etc.

How does the interpreter know which one to import?

Thanks for all your time, btw - I'm learning a lot lurking on this list and greatly appreciate all the people offering help and advice.



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