[Tutor] Weekly Python Tips mailing list is ready to join

Ian Ozsvald ian at ianozsvald.com
Mon Aug 9 20:46:49 CEST 2010

I asked a few days ago if there'd be interest in a Python Tips list
that sends out Python tips to your inbox each week - I've had a lovely
response over the weekend so I'll proceed with creating the list.
Thanks for the replies!

As I mentioned I have a whole set of tips planned. They'll cover
useful stuff (like "how to write Pythonically"), cool stuff (including
some 3D, gaming, web-dev and maths), links to modules you probably
haven't heard of yet and guest tips from known Pythonistas. I'll be
sending out one tip per week, it'll include some source code and links
to useful resources. There will definitely be links back to useful
ShowMeDo videos to illustrate the ideas.

I'll publish the first set of tips when I have 50 people on the list -
this way I'll get good feedback on what's required which will guide
which tips I cover next.

To join the list send an email here:
weeklypytips at aweber.com
and accept the opt-in message you receive.

It is an Aweber mailing list (they're a well known mailing list host)
and you can unsubscribe at any time if it isn't helpful. I promise no
spam or foolishness (and I certainly won't pass on your email address
to 3rd parties), you'll just get helpful Python tips. It'll be quiet
for a week or two whilst I gather the first 50 sign-ups and then I'll
start posting out the tips.

Looking forward to building the list and getting some feedback,

Ian Ozsvald (A.I. researcher, screencaster)
ian at IanOzsvald.com


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