[Tutor] Any

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 29 14:04:20 CEST 2010

"Kevin Kirton" <kpkirton at gmail.com> wrote 

> I was just wondering if anyone here can recommend any freeware program
> that has been written in python and for which the source code is
> available.

The IDE that comes with Python ias wtten in Python and the 
source comes as part of the standard library.

But if thats not enough try both sourceforge and the PyGame web sites.
On sourceforge search for projects using python... DIA is one that springs 
to mind(a Visio type drawing program)

PyGame has lots of Python games you can download, several with source.

> Basically I just want to see a program that does something relatively
> simple and straightforward, but something that is "real world," I mean
> something that people actually use, hopefully something that comes
> with it's own installer and GUI.

You can use the python install tools or drive them with something 
higher level like Wize(?) or Installshield (or the free InstallMaker for 
Windows that I used to use... I don't know if its still extant however!)


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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