[Tutor] Hi everybody stuck on some error need help please thank you!!

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Sat Apr 24 11:44:35 CEST 2010

(Don't top-post.  Either put your remarks immediately after the part 
they reference, or at the end of the message.  Otherwise, everything's 
thoroughly out of order.)

Marco Rompré wrote:
> I tried to enter model = Modele (nom_fichier) but it still does not work.
You didn't define the global nom_fichier till after that line.  In 
general, while you're learning, please avoid using the same names for 
global values, class attributes, instance attributes, function parameter 
names, and local variables.   The rules for what a name means changes 
depending on where the name is used.
> <snip>
> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>wrote:
>> On Sat, 24 Apr 2010 01:07:11 pm Marco Rompré wrote:
>>> Here's my code:
>> [...]
>>> class Modele:
>>>     """
>>>     La definition d'un modele avec les magasins.
>>>     """
>>>     def __init__(self, nom_fichier, magasins =[]):
>>>         self.nom_fichier = nom_fichier
>>>         self.magasins = magasins
>> [...]
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>     modele = Modele()
This is where you got the error, because there's a required argument, 
for parameter nom_fichier.  So you could use
        modele = Modele("thefile.txt")
>>>     nom_fichier = "magasinmodele.txt"
I'd call this something else, like  g_nom_fichier.  While you're 
learning, you don't want to get confused between the multiple names that 
look the same.
>>>     modele.charger(nom_fichier)
>>>     if modele.vide():
>>>         modele.initialiser(nom_fichier)
>>>     modele.afficher()
>>> And here's my error :
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "F:\School\University\Session 4\Programmation
>>> SIO\magasingolfmodele.py", line 187, in <module>
>>>     modele = Modele()
>>> TypeError: __init__() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)
>> You define Modele to require a nom_fichier argument, but then you try to
>> call it with no nom_fuchier.
>> <snip>

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