[Tutor] Accessing windows from Linux build

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 28 23:50:23 CEST 2009

"Jesse L" <cryptopython at gmail.com> wrote

>I want to use a linux system to scan windows registries for a specific 

The basic requirement of reading a file on a Windows PC from
a Linux box is possible without much difficulty.

> I know there is the _winreg module, but it's only available on a windows
> system.  Is there a module that will enable python to work cross 
> platform?

But you need a way to interpret that file and I'm not aware of any modules
for Linux that can do that. You best bet is probably to remotely run a
Windows command on the PC. But I'm not sure what command would
be best for that, I don't know of a command line registry scanner for

It might be possible to do something with DCOM but I suspect you
would need a lot of configuration pre set on the Windows box to get it
to work - at least I really hope you need to do a lot of work otherwise
I'd be worried!

I assume you've already tried a Google search to see if somebody has
done it before?

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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