[Tutor] Handling missing fields in a csv file

Eduardo Vieira eduardo.susan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 19:20:20 CEST 2009

Hello, I have a csv file, using the ";" as a delimiter. This file
contains addresses. My problem is that some fields are missing in some
rows and I would like to normalize the rows for a smoother import into
Excel, for example.
Here is an example. This is the header:
While most of them have this header, some data would be like this:
Abc blaba;403-403-4545;MB ---> missing address, city, and postal code
I think a good solution would be to add delimiter to represent empty fields:
Abc blaba;403-403-4545;;;MB; -->missing address and postal code

Fortunately the source has province names abbreviated (2 letters). I
could also take into account a postal code, maybe:
Given I have 2 simple functions:
How I would write to the proper fields once that was returned true?
Province has to go to row[3], and PCode to row[4] right?


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