[Tutor] python win32 drive mapping help

Vineet Kothari vineet.kothari at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 20:41:14 CEST 2009

So What should be the attributes for the command?

I tried this:

win32net.NetUseDel(None, 1,{'local':'k:'})

 but I got this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "test.py", line 33, in <module>
>     win32net.NetUseDel(None, 1,{'local':'k:'})
> TypeError: an integer is required

So what should be the attributes for the NetUseDel?

- Vineet

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Dave Angel <davea at ieee.org> wrote:

> Vineet Kothari wrote:
>> Can you also help me out with the way to delete the mapped drive I know in
>> command line it is
>>> net use [DRIVE:] /delete
>> but I am unable to figure out how I can do it from python
>> Since I am trying to make sure that the drive name I am giving in my code:
>>> import win32net
>>> win32net.NetUseAdd(None,1,{'remote':r'\\server\share','local':'K:','password':'XXX'
>>> })
>> K: drive should not exist already & if it does then the mapping should be
>> removed first & then a new mapping should be established.
>> So it should be going something like:
>> if [mapping already exists]:
>>>   [delete mapping]
>>> else:
>>>   [create new mapping]
>> Thank You everyone for the help :)
> To remove a connection made with win32net.NetUseAdd(), use
> win32net.NetUseDel()
> Rather than bother to checking if the mapping already exists, try to delete
> it, and probably ignore any exceptions.
> Note that the same drive letter may be in use for some other (even
> temporary) purpose, such as a USB drive, or SUBST.  So if after the
> NetUseDel, the NetUseAdd (also) fails, you may have one of those conditions.
> DaveA
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