[Tutor] how to define a function with multple parameters

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Wed Sep 23 01:36:45 CEST 2009

shellcom3 at juno.com wrote:
> I want to know how to use multiple parameters for 1 function
> def display(message):
> 	print message
> def rate_score():
>     score =ate_score
> if rate_score <=99:
>     print "that's nothing."
> elif rate_score <=0000:
>     print "ok."
> elif rate_score >=0000:   
>     print "great." 
> #main		
> display("Get  the meaning !")
> raw_input("Please type in your score")
> print "here's your score", rate_score
> rate_score()
> This is the outcome:
> great.
> Get the meaning
> Please type in your score50
> here's your score <function rate_score at 0x025610F0>
I have no idea what the subject line is supposed to mean, but that 
program is in sad shape.  It won't compile and run as it stands, so I 
suspect you didn't transcribe it correctly.  Please use cut and paste to 
show us what you really have, and what it really produces.  Then maybe 
we can comment on improvements.

Also, please delineate which parts of the message are from a python 
script, and which parts are the echoes from an interactive run.  And if 
you're running from a command line, show the command used to launch the 
script, all the way through to the end.

One thing that probably isn't a transcribing error is your total 
confusion between a variable called rate_score and a function by the 
same name.  A given name can only have one meaning in one scope, so plan 
carefully.  And even if you can reassign a function name inside that 
function to have a new value, it's almost never a good idea.  For one 
thing, it makes it hard to call the function a second time.


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