[Tutor] ODBC SQL Server Question

Jeff Johnson jeff at dcsoftware.com
Fri Sep 18 20:14:45 CEST 2009


How about this:
self.cursor.execute("SELECT CUSTID FROM Stories WHERE NAME = '%s'" % 
(name, ))

Question, does execute know to substitute the question mark with name?
self.cursor.execute("SELECT CUSTID FROM Stories WHERE NAME= ?", (name, ))


Kent Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Jeff Johnson <jeff at dcsoftware.com> wrote:
>> Kristina:
>> I would format it as follows:
>> self.cursor.execute("SELECT CUSTID FROM Stories WHERE NAME = '%s'" % name)
> No, that is a recipe for SQL injection attacks such as this:
> http://xkcd.com/327/
>>> self.cursor.execute("SELECT CUSTID FROM Stories WHERE NAME= ?", (name))
> I think that should have a comma to create a tuple:
> self.cursor.execute("SELECT CUSTID FROM Stories WHERE NAME= ?", (name,))
> I don't know if that could cause your problem.
> Kent


Jeff Johnson
jeff at dcsoftware.com
Phoenix Python User Group - sunpiggies at googlegroups.com

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