[Tutor] Still Trying to Understand GAE

admin at gg-lab.net admin at gg-lab.net
Thu Sep 17 21:47:29 CEST 2009

Yes Kent, i'm not worrying about it, i was just trying to find the
reason why they're doing so.

Anyway, i'm a newbye, but the GAE Evinronment is very very difficult
to understand. The only thing is thas in common with the real python
is the sintax.

Thankyou again

2009/9/17 Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net>:
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 8:38 AM, admin at gg-lab.net <admin at gg-lab.net> wrote:
>> Thankyou all, you're very precious for me.
>> yeah it seems the development webserver (and the production one) are
>> importing modules in a non-standard way.
>> I absolutely don't understand this choice. Why import everything
>> everytime? Don't you think it makes scripts much more slow?
> My guess is that they are importing what they need. It does impact
> startup but hey, if you need it, you need it.
> Try this for comparison: Start Python from a command line, then
> In [5]: import sys
> In [6]: len(sys.modules)
> Out[6]: 323
> I have IPython loaded so this number may be larger than yours. In
> Python 3, with no IPython, I get
>>>> import sys
>>>> len(sys.modules)
> 47
> So my advice is, don't worry about it.
> Kent

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