[Tutor] Vista UAC

Lie Ryan lie.1296 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 19:01:28 CEST 2009

Dj Gilcrease wrote:
> I have a python app that requires elevated privileges on Vista when
> installed in "Program Files" since it has an auto updater. I was
> wondering if there was a way with a standard install of python 2.6
> that I can check if I have the correct privileges and if not relaunch
> the app required privileges.

I never worked with UAC, but I think you can try writing to the Program 
Files/YourApp and if it fails and raises IOError (check the exception 
arguments as well) then you don't have the privilege. At least that what 
I *think* how Windows Explorer file copying routine works (based on 
day-to-day observation, not some special research, I'd love to be proven 

You can also try using runas, though I never figured out how to make it 
work to obtain administrator privilege (sudo is much easier to work with):
C:\Users\Lie Ryan>runas /user:"MyUserName" "C:\Python26\python.exe 

That will run the script as user "MyUserName" though only with the 
standard privilege.

Alternatively, you may be able to dissect this script and include parts 
of it with your app:

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