[Tutor] Accessing variables in main from functions in a module

Robert Lummis robert.lummis at gmail.com
Sat Oct 31 19:18:44 CET 2009

These replies are great! Thanks to everyone who took the trouble to
respond and explain. I'll need some time to digest what you say and
put it to use but I'm sure your suggestions will be a huge help.

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:
> "Robert Lummis" <robert.lummis at gmail.com> wrote
>> I want to move some functions from my "main" program file to a module
>> file because the main file is getting too big for convenience.
> Good idea!
>> functions access arrays (lists of lists) that are defined and
>> initialised in the main file. How do I reference the main file arrays
>> from statements within the module file?
> In  general you don't. You pass the data into the function.
> Thats the only (sane) way to make the functions reusable,
> by passing in all the data they need to do their job. Its also
> the only sane way to avoid the debugging nightmare of
> global variables changing under your feet due to hidden
> function side effects.
> So when you move the functions, rewrite them from
> def f(...)
>   # stuff
> to
> def f(...grid)
>   #stuff
>   return grid
> And when you call them do
> grid = mymod.f(...,grid)
> That keeps the functions independant and avoids any
> mysteries about where your main function variables are
> getting changed.
>> The overall program solves a game by a recursive method.
> In that case even more reason to pass the data in. Recursive
> functions opertating on global variables are one of the hardest
> things to debug in the programming universe, only beaten by
> multiple threads modifying unsynchronised global variables!
>> and the presence of a bunch of unchanging housekeeping functions in
>> the main file makes it cumbersome to read and edit.
> Yes thats one reason to move functions out. But an even better
> reason is to logically partition the code into whats reusable
> and what is specific to the problem. So consider whether its
> really the housekeeping that wants moving or the core algorithms...
>> def functionA (row, col, x):
>>    grid[row][col] = <a value that depends on x and other values in grid>
>> where grid[] is initialised outside of any functions (i.e. in the main).
>> So how do I write that function when I move it to a module file? I
> As above
> def functionA (row, col, x, grid):
>    grid[row][col] = <a value that depends on x and other values in grid>
>    return grid
> and call it with
> grid = module.function(row,col,x, grid)
>> thought I read somewhere that the main routine has the name "__main__"
> A module that is being run directly has the name __main__ not a function.
>> I understand that it is best to minimize cross-file references but I
>> feel it is warranted in this case.
> I doubt it.
>> Even if you think it isn't good practice I would like to understand how
>> to do it (or else why it can't be done).
> You can probably do it by inspecting the call stack using the traceback
> module or somesuch, but there'sd really no need.
>> Is there some other way to keep files from getting too big?
> You can use classes. You could have a Grid class with all the functions
> that modify the grid as methods. Then you can create grid objects and
> operate on them and each will have its own internal grid. You can then
> easily move the class into a separate module as required.
> HTH,
> --
> Alan Gauld
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
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Robert Lummis

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