[Tutor] New to Python

asterix09 at petlover.com asterix09 at petlover.com
Thu Oct 29 07:04:09 CET 2009

I am running Windows Vista. 

Do you know what remote desktop is? This is the tool I use to connect to my other severs on the network or alternatively I use my "Run" option (Start/Run) where you add in the IP address and connect to the server.

I want to use python to do this for me. I can do it with a batch file.

This is what I am looking to do.

I have a log file. In this log file contains the following text:


Lets call this log file A.

I am looking to run s script that will search this log file and take all the text after the "=" sign (ABS/DRF..etc) and paste that into another text file, call it text file B.

Once that it done I will need to compare other log files to file B and any new text after "=" that is not in the text file B must be added and anything that is must be ignored.

The goal is that in these log files there will be multiple different text for 115=..etc. I need to create a list/mini database for them. So every day I need to run a script against a logfile to search for any new text.


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