[Tutor] New to python: some advises for image processing tool

Nicola De Quattro lead.expression at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 11:47:17 CEST 2009

I'm a 26 years old Italian engineer. Because to the fact that I'm an
astrophile and astronomical tool (expecially under Linux) are not so
common, I would like to develop some simple tool for some purposes.
Well, I'm not knew to software development but I've never used python.
So I want to list you my needed for the first tool, so you can tell me
if Python could be a good choice and how to begin the develop.
First of all, I need a software running both under Windows and Linux
at least (it would be better if running either under MacOS). This is a
first reason to choose Python.
Secondly, I want a OpenSource tool
The software shall be a tool for Star Analyzer (spectroscopic
analyzer) images. A similar software already exists, it can be seen at
this link (I'm sorry, it is in Italian, but you can understand from
the images what is the input and the output)


So I've to open an image (various formats, first I could need only
.fits), to process the image in order to select the interesting strip
containing the star and the spectrum (first image of the link posted,
but I hope I can select the strip not only in the horizontal line but
I will rotate the image), to obtain a graph like the second and third
image (this may be simple, it plots the value of luminosity of each
point), calibrate the image using periodical table of elements as
shown in 6th image in order to color the graph.

Well, I know that many people doesn't understand the problem :) I hope
you can be able, with the elements reported above, how I have to
proceed, remembering that I've no problem programming in Matlab and C
but I've never worked with graphical interfaces and with image
processing (only under Matlab).

I've learned most of python commands. I think I've to start with some library?

Thank you very much and sorry for the poem (and for my english)!

PS: If the question is "Why don't you use Astrospectrum?" the answer
is: it is only for Linux and is not opensource :(

Nicola De Quattro
Mobile: (+39)3292964937
Web: http://nikde4.altervista.org
Skype: lead_expression
MSNetwork: lead_expression at hotmail.com

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