[Tutor] IP-range

Paras K. paras80 at gmail.com
Mon May 25 05:18:22 CEST 2009


I came across your answer / assistance on the IP range. I am fairly new to
the python world of programming. However, up to this point I have always
been able to get my programs to work by reading the books or following the
guides I find through google.com

Here is what I have to do:

I have to read a number of cvs files into 1 large file. (I have been able to
get that done through a perl script). But after I get it into a large cvs
file, I need to be able to look at each row and see if it falls within a
specific IP ranges.

IP Ranges:


These are just some examples of the IP ranges.

The csv file has data like below: Gnutella File Search 14 5/15/2009 0:48 Gnutella
File Search 14 5/14/2009 16:21 BitTorrent Client
Activity 13 5/14/2009

Here is my source code so far:

import sys
import win32api
import win32ui
import shutil
import string
import os
import os.path
import csv

#Global Variables
P2Pfiles = []

#still in the development process -- where to get the files from
#right now the location is C:\P2P
def getp2preportdestion():
    win32ui.MessageBox('Welcome to P2P Reporting.\nThis script is designed
to aid in the P2P reporting. \n\nThe locations of P2P Reports should be in
C:\P2P \n\nWith no subdirectories.\n\n\n\n\nVersion 1.0 - \n\nPress "OK" to
continue with this script.')
    #p2pdrive=raw_input("Enter the drive letter:  ")
    #p2pdir=raw_input("Enter the directory name:  ")
    #p2preport = p2pdrive +':\\'+p2pdir+'/'
    p2preport = 'C://P2P\\'
    return p2preport

#Main Program

#Get location of directories
p2ploc = getp2preportdestion()

#Checking to make sure directory is there.
if os.path.exists(p2ploc):
    if os.path.isfile(p2ploc +'/p2pmerge.csv'):
        win32ui.MessageBox('Merge File exists..will continue with program')

         win32ui.MessageBox('Merge File does not exists, script will exit.
Please run the perl script first.')
       win32ui.MessageBox('The C:\P2P directory does not exists.\n\nPlease
create and copy all the files there.\nThen re-run this script')

reader = csv.reader(open('C://P2P/p2pmerge.csv', "rb"))
p2pwriter = csv.writer(open('C://P2P\P2PMerge4.csv', "wb"))
for row in reader:

win32ui.MessageBox('I am here')

Any assistance will be greatly appricated!!!

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