[Tutor] clean text

Sander Sweers sander.sweers at gmail.com
Tue May 19 13:59:00 CEST 2009

2009/5/19 spir <denis.spir at free.fr>:
> def _cleanRepr(text):
>        ''' text with control chars replaced by repr() equivalent '''
>        result = ""
>        for char in text:
>                n = ord(char)
>                if (n < 32) or (n > 126 and n < 160):
>                        char = repr(char)[1:-1]
>                result += char
>        return result

Is this faster? It replaces all occurrences of each control character
in ctrlcmap for the whole string you pass to it.

ctrlcmap = dict((chr(x), repr(chr(x))[1:-1]) for x in range(160) if x
< 32 or x > 126 and x < 160)
teststring = chr(127) + 'mytestring'

def _cleanRepr(text, ctrlcmap):
    for ctrlc in ctrlcmap.keys():
         text = text.replace(ctrlc, ctrlcmap[ctrlc])
    return text

>>> teststring

>>> _cleanRepr(teststring, ctrlcmap)


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