[Tutor] Updating Python on Mac OS X 10.5.6

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 26 22:53:29 CET 2009

"NBarnes" <nbarnes at gmail.com> wrote 

> Fortress).  It seems like Python would be a good choice for such a
> relatively simple project, and I've been wanting to learn Python.
> seems reasonable), but I understand that we've since moved on to
> Python 2.6?  And that Python 3.0 is out?  Is 3.0 mature enough to
> support this sort of programming?

I'd go with Python 2.6 for learning.

Most tutorials are still either upgrading to v3 or stuck at v2.
Once you are comfortable with 2 you can set a flag on v2.6 that 
will flag any v3 incompatibilities so that you can fix them and get 
used to the diffrences before finally moving to v3. And by that time 
most of the 3rd party tools etc will be ported too!


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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