[Tutor] Python and Tkinter Programming by Grayson--New Version?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 17 22:27:56 CET 2009

"Chris Fuller" <cfuller084 at thinkingplanet.net> wrote

> easy to use, and comes included with Python.  Serious programmers 
> will
> probably want something faster, better looking, and with nicer 
> features,

The next versions of Python/Tkinter will apparently be based on the 
widget set of Tk which has native look n feel on each platform so the
ugly factor should at least dissappear!

> This book does not cover the Tix widget set, which was originally 
> created for
> Tcl/Tk and later included with Tkinter, after this book was 
> published.  I
> find that Pmw covers most of the problem space that Tix is suited 
> for, but a
> beginner may have a different experience.

Between the new Tkinter standard widgets (Paned Window, Spinbox etc)
and Tix virtually everything in PMW is available in the standard 
library. and
there are some extras not in PMW like a Grid and Tree for example.

One of the things on my ToDo list is to add a couple of new topics to
my tutorial giving simple examples for all the Tkinter and Tix 
As much for my own benefit as anything!


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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