[Tutor] Shelve: remove dictionary from list

Timo timomlists at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 18:18:24 CET 2009

Hello all, I'm using the Shelve module to store dictionaries in a list 
as a value of a key.


key = [{'keyA' : 1, 'keyB' : 2}, {'key1' : 1, 'key2' : 2}]

The problem is I can't remove a dictionary from the list.

import shelve

s = shelve.open('file')
    for index, value in enumerate(s['key']):
        if value['keyA'] == 1 and value['keyB'] == 2:
            del value[index]

If I do some printing in between, I can see the dictionary actually gets 
removed, but doesn't get saved. Any ideas why?

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