[Tutor] Suggested source code folder layout

Allen Fowler allen.fowler at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 3 00:06:46 CEST 2009


I'm looking for some suggestions as to the filesystem source code layout for a new project.

Here is what I am thinking so far:

- app/ -- Code for our pylons/django/TG/etc web app
- web/ -- Public static web files (and wsgi / fastCGI connector files)
- db/ -- SQlite DB
- scripts/ -- Various custom programs that will also interact with the DB / app. (Some cron, some interactive.)

However, I am still wondering about a couple of items:

1) Where to create the virtualpython installation that will be used by both the app and the scripts. 

2) Where to put our in-house created python modules that will be imported by both the app and scripts.

Thank you,


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