[Tutor] Help...

Ryan V memorylasts at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 00:17:51 CEST 2009

For this source code, i am getting some errors, and not sure how to fix it,
as i am returning all the values. it is telling me that there is no value
for the variables i am returning.  any help is greatly appreciated!
#main function
def main():
    print 'The menu is:'
    print 'Yum Yum Burger for $0.99'
    print 'Grease Yum Fries for $0.79'
    print 'Soda Yum For $1.09'
    mealOrder = input_meal()
    burgerPrice = input_burger()
    friesPrice = input_fries()
    sodaPrice = input_soda()
    mealEnd = input_mealEnd()
    calc_total(burgerPrice, friesPrice, sodaPrice)
#    print_info(total)

def input_meal():
    print 'If you want the Yum Yum Burger please press 1'
    print 'If you want the Grease Yum Fries please press 2'
    print 'If you want the Soda Yum please press 3'
    print 'If you entered no instead of yes just hit 4'
    mealOrder = input('Enter Now - ')
    if mealOrder == '1' :
    elif mealOrder == '2' :
    elif mealOrder == '3' :
    elif mealOrder == '4' :
        calc_total(burgerPrice, friesPrice, sodaPrice)

def input_burger():
    amountBurger = input('How many burgers would you like?')
    burgerPrice = amountBurger * 0.99
    return burgerPrice

def input_fries():
    amountFries = input('How many Fries would you like?')
    friesPrice = amountFries * 0.79
    return friesPrice

def input_soda():
    amountSoda = input('How many sodas would you like?')
    sodaPrice = amountSoda * 1.09
    return sodaPrice

def input_mealEnd():
    mealEnd = raw_input('Would you like to end your order? (Enter yes or
    if mealEnd == 'yes' :
        calc_total(burgerPrice, friesPrice, sodaPrice)
    elif mealEnd == 'no' :

#Calculation of meal cost
def calc_total(burgerPrice, friesPrice, sodaPrice):
    totalFood = burgerPrice + friesPrice + sodaPrice
    totalTax = totalFood * .06
    total = totalTax + totalFood
    print 'The total price for food is $', totalFood
    print 'The Tax is $', totalTax
    print 'The total is $', total
#Displays total, and what you ordered
#def print_info(total):
#    print 'The meal price is $', total

#call main function
 and here is the output i am getting

The menu is:
Yum Yum Burger for $0.99
Grease Yum Fries for $0.79
Soda Yum For $1.09
If you want the Yum Yum Burger please press 1
If you want the Grease Yum Fries please press 2
If you want the Soda Yum please press 3
If you entered no instead of yes just hit 4
Enter Now - 1
How many burgers would you like?2
Would you like to end your order? (Enter yes or no)no
If you want the Yum Yum Burger please press 1
If you want the Grease Yum Fries please press 2
If you want the Soda Yum please press 3
If you entered no instead of yes just hit 4
Enter Now - 2
How many Fries would you like?2
Would you like to end your order? (Enter yes or no)no
If you want the Yum Yum Burger please press 1
If you want the Grease Yum Fries please press 2
If you want the Soda Yum please press 3
If you entered no instead of yes just hit 4
Enter Now - 3
How many sodas would you like?2
Would you like to end your order? (Enter yes or no)yes
*Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "...", line 74, in <module>
  File "...", line 16, in main
    sodaPrice = input_soda()
  File "...", line 51, in input_soda
  File "...", line 57, in input_mealEnd
    calc_total(burgerPrice, friesPrice, sodaPrice)
NameError: global name 'burgerPrice' is not defined*
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