[Tutor] find and replace relative to an nearby search string in a file

A.T.Hofkamp a.t.hofkamp at tue.nl
Mon Jul 13 09:00:22 CEST 2009

Pete O'Connell wrote:
> Write {
>  file /Volumes/raid0/Z353_002_comp_v27.%04d.cin
>  file_type cin
>  name Write1
>  xpos 13762
>  ypos -364
> }

The simplest approach imho is to parse the input with a proper parser, eg PLY 
or pyparsing.

If you want to do the parsing manually, I'd start by classifying each line 
manually to be one of

"Write" "{"
<identifier> <argument>

and then collect the lines of each group to eg a dict (if there are no 
duplicate keys, and order is not relevent).

In both cases, you'll end up with a list of collected groups.

Once you have that, you can do your processing.
Finally, convert the groups back to text.


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