[Tutor] mac os x executable

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Jul 8 02:04:32 CEST 2009

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 5:51 PM, <python at bdurham.com> wrote:
> Alan,
>> After all with Python 2.3 pre installed on MacOS X
> Is Python 2.3 really the most recent version of Python distributed with
> new Macs?

I think *new* Macs come with 2.5. My 2-year-old MacBook Pro has 2.3.

> So if I wanted to distribute a Python 2.6 script to a Mac user, I would
> need to instruct the Mac user how to download and install a separate
> version of Python (2.6), being careful not to overwrite the system
> default version of Python (2.3).

No care is needed. The Mac installers don't disturb the official Apple version.


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