[Tutor] running & debugging in python interactive she

Jervis Whitley jervisau at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 02:09:43 CET 2009

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Che M <pine508 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> >> I'd like to add to this question and expand it:  can anyone point me to
> >> a good resource on debugging *generally*?
> > The first result on "Debugger tutorial" on google sent me to this:
> > http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~benjasik/gdb/gdbtut.html
> > Though it's for a specific program, it seems to have some good general
> purpose advice.
> > Personally, I've never had the need for a debugger (maybe because I'm not
> writing complicated
> > enough programs) - a simple "print" statement (in the right spot) tends
> to take care of all of my
> > debugging needs.
> That page didn't strike me as very helpful for my case, but thanks
> anyway.  I'll Google for it, too, but just wondered if any of the
> tutors here had any recommendations.  I just checked Alan Gauld's
> tutorial and I see it doesn't have a debugger section (completely
> understandably, as this is sort of advanced).
> I also use print statements a fair bit.  I've just heard that using
> a debugger is a very useful thing and I thought maybe someone would
> have some tips here or knew of a good Python-relevant tutorial about it.
> Thanks,
> Che
> -Wayne
> I did a search for 'python pdb tutorial' and found this resource:

pdb is the python debugger, this tutorial will give you more than enough to
get started.

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