[Tutor] Convert a string of numbers to a list

Kyle Kwaiser kkwaiser at umich.edu
Fri Feb 27 22:40:31 CET 2009

Turns out I was close but had not combined everything.  I never would 
have picked up on the map() function.  Much more efficient than looping 
through the whole mess and converting to int.

x = ['[335, 180, 201, 241, 199]\r\n']
y = map( int, x[0].strip( '[]\r\n' ).split(  ', '  ) ) #need an index here
print y
[335, 180, 201, 241, 199]

Thanks for your help!


Kent Johnson wrote:
> For one line:
> In [11]: s = '[335, 180, 201, 241, 199]\r\n'
> In [12]: map(int, s.strip('[]\r\n').split(', '))
> Out[12]: [335, 180, 201, 241, 199]
> Modify appropriately to handle a list of lines.
> Kent

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