[Tutor] Looking for ConfigObj Documentation

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Sat Feb 21 10:53:45 CET 2009

Alan Gauld wrote:
> Cut n paste of the path works, but you can also use tab to complete the 
> file name which speeds things up considerably.

And you can drag a file in from explorer to a Console window
to get the full path pasted in automatically.

> Even on DOS F3 repeated the last command but on XP (and indeed since 
> Win95) you can use up/down arrow to step back through the command 
> history. And you can set it to remember the history betweeen sessions 
> (although I don't personally do that...) I think you can also search 
> back through the history but I don't use that very often and I'm maybe 
> confusing it with cygwin/bash!

No, you're right: if you press a few characters and then
F8 a matching line will be populated (can't remember if
it's the most recent or the oldest). If you press F7, a
selection list of all the lines entered pops up and you
can select from there.

And all the old tricks from the original DOS shells work:
F3 as you mentioned (altho' up/down arrows are easier for
this); F2 will copy up to a particular characters. Quite
limited but still they have their possibilities.


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