[Tutor] I have a question plz help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 20 09:07:31 CET 2009

"rev pacce" <julianpaceqb at yahoo.com> wrote 

> My mom and I have been trying to hack into the administrator 
> account on our laptop my mom got from her job 

We don't deal with that kind of hacking on this list.

But consider what might happen if you succeed. Suppose 
Mom's PC develops a fault and her IT people try to go into 
administrator and find the password has been changed? 
She could lose her job! They don't tell you the password 
so you don't change anything and therefore don't mess up 
the PC settings. It costs businesses a heap of money 
fixing "broken" PCs. Many companies would consider 
that malicious damage of company property and sack her...

Is it worth it just to play iTunes?

Alan g

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