[Tutor] this module

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Sat Aug 8 15:51:36 CEST 2009

Mark Young wrote:
> Hi, I was reading a tutorial, and it mentioned the "import this" easter egg.
> I was curious, and looked up the contents of the module, and dscovered that
> it had attributes c, d, i, and s. I was wondering if anyone had any clue
> what these attributes were supposed to mean. I think (this.s) is the zen of
> python in some foreign language (dutch maybe?), but I have no clue what the
> significance of the others are. Just wondering if anyone knew, (or if they
> mean anything at all).
> Also, I was wondering, when a user first imports this, how does the module
> print the zen of python? I can't figure out how it does it.
Each module runs when you import it.  So if there are print statements 
that are not either inside definitions, classes or conditionals, you'll 
see their output.

As for this.py, take a look at it.  The "dutch" is actually an encoding 
currently popularly referred to as ROT13, a substitution cipher where 
each letter is replaced by the one halfway (13 characters) around the 
alphabet.  If you look at d, you'll see it's a dictionary with the 
mapping between 'a' and 'o', 'b' and 'p', and so on.


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