[Tutor] Here's something to talk about

Weidner, Ronald RWeidner at ea.com
Wed Apr 15 17:29:30 CEST 2009

# This code is posted for the purpose of conversation.  If it is of some 
# value to someone that would be great.  But what I hope is that the code
# sparks conversations about what I did in this code and why I did it.  Since
# the list seems thick with OOP questions at the moment, I thought this might
# be relevant.  Digest and enjoy.

class Item ( object ):

    def __init__( self ):
    	self._FullName = ''
    	self._Recovery = 0
    	self._Exporter = SimpleItemExporter ();
    def SetFullName( self, name ):
    	self._FullName = name
    def SetRecovery( self, value ):
    	self._Recovery = value
    def SetExporter( self, exporter ):
    	self._Exporter = exporter
    def Export( self ):
		properties = { 'FullName':self._FullName, 'Recovery':self._Recovery }
		self._Exporter.Export( properties )  	
class ItemCollection( object ):
	def __init__( self ):
		self._ItemList = []
		self._CollectionIndex = -1
		self._Loader = None
	def Add ( self, item ):
	def MoveFirst ( self ):
		self._CollectionIndex = -1
	def MoveNext ( self ):
		self._CollectionIndex += 1
		if self._CollectionIndex < ( len ( self._ItemList ) ):
			return self._ItemList[ self._CollectionIndex ]
		return None
	def MoveTo ( self, index ):
	def GetLength ( self ):
	def SetCollectionLoader ( self, loader ):
		self._Loader = loader
	def Load ( self ):
		if self._Loader <> None:
class SimpleItemExporter ( object ):

	def __init__( self ):
	def Export ( self, dictionary ):
		print "The recovery status of " +str(dictionary['FullName'])+ " is: " + str(dictionary['Recovery'])
class XMLExporter ( object ):
	def __init__ ( self, tag='XML' ):
		self.SetRootTag( tag )
	def SetRootTag ( self, tag ):
		self._RootTag = tag;
	def Export ( self, dictionary ):
		xml = ""
		keys = dictionary.keys()
		for key in keys:
			xml = xml + "\n\t<" + key + ">" + str(dictionary[key]) + "</" + key + ">"

		print "<" + self._RootTag + ">" + xml + "\n</" + self._RootTag + ">" 

class SQLExporter ( object ):

	def __init__ ( self, tableName):
		self._TableName = tableName
	def Export ( self, dictionary ):
		value = ""
		field = ""
		first = 1
		keys = dictionary.keys()
		for key in keys:
			if first <> 1:
				field = field + ", "
				value = value + ", "
			field = field + " " + key
			value = value + "'" + str(dictionary[key]) + "'"
			first = 0
		print "INSERT into " + self._TableName + " (" + field + ") values (" + value + ")" 	

class ItemCollectionLoader ( object ):

	def LoadCollection(self, collection):

		for i in range ( 1, 5 ):
			item = Item()
			item.SetFullName( 'Ron The Dude' )
			item.SetRecovery( i )
			collection.Add( item )

more = 1
collection = ItemCollection()

# here we create a loader obbject
loader = ItemCollectionLoader()

# this loader object could do other things instead of the contrived example 
# shown here.  Such as the loader object could read from a file, or a network
# resource, stdin, whatever.  As long as it's LoadCollection interface doesn't
# change the object could be many things.  I've decided to illustrate this concept
# later in the code with the exporter object.


while more <> None:
	item = collection.MoveNext ()
	if item <> None:
		# What's important here to note is that the exporter may have different
		# constructors but, the Export method takes the same arguments in each 
		# export class.  In other words, it's interface is the same.  So, we
		# can easily switch one exporter object for another.  With a little more
		# code you could even export these items in more than one format (if needed).
		#exporter = SimpleItemExporter()
		#exporter = XMLExporter("item")
		exporter = SQLExporter("itemTable")
		item.Export ()
		more = None

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