[Tutor] Can't run this script while I'm logged off of Windows XP

Eduardo Vieira eduardo.susan at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 21:53:13 CEST 2009

Hello, I'm making a script that daily grabs some information and email
it to some of my coworkers. It runs all the other parts while I'm
logged off, but this part doesn't. I need to be logged on for it to
work. Also, when I'm logged on to my Windows XP I just can't make it
send. It only sits in my mailbox. I have to manually press "send" to
get it sent.

here is the code that won't work:
import win32com.client

    s = win32com.client.Dispatch("Mapi.Session")

    Msg = s.Outbox.Messages.Add("Daily Activity Report", report)

    testaddresses = [
                'test1 at expresssignproducts.com',
    ##            '1 at expresssignproducts.com',
    ##            '2 at expresssignproducts.com',
    ##            '3 at expresssignproducts.com',

    for address in testaddresses:




    logfile.write("Couldn't write email")

So, I'm coming to a conclusion that it is not possible to send emails
while logged off.

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