[Tutor] mod_python, mod_wsgi, web.py, django! What to use?

Alec Henriksen alecwh at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 02:53:33 CEST 2008


This is my first time posting to this board, so please forgive me if I
mess something up.

So, lets say I want to develop a distributable web application (such as
phpBB or Drupal) for Python. What platform (mod_wsgi, mod_python) would
I use to reach as many users as possible, and on top of that, which (if
any) framework should I use to develop this web application?

Also, what are some popular python web applications (forums, cms) that I
could take example of? What did they use?

What is currently lacking in Python's web application selection?
Alec Henriksen <alecwh at gmail.com> @ http://alecwh.com

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