[Tutor] please help with simple python CGI script

aivars aivars868 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 13:58:10 CET 2008

Hello, Lie,
I renamed the directory back to Cgi-bin and the scripts are NOT
working. Going back to cgi-bin it works. I also do not understand why.


2008/10/26 Lie Ryan <lie.1296 at gmail.com>:
> On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 08:32:52 +0000, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> "aivars" <aivars868 at gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:c5ad28970810260045r61e5bbe4h1bbb3dffbe598619 at mail.gmail.com...
>>>I finally get the script working!
>>> I renamed the script directory from Cgi-bin to cgi-bin just as Alan
>>> told.
>> I'm glad it worked but I confess I'm not sure why it worked. The
>> interpreter was apparently finding your script OK but it was the
>> environment that was messed up. I don't fully understand the interaction
>> going on  there. But in things web related I've learned that consistency
>> throughout is usually helpul!
>> Alan G.
> I wouldn't have thought it could work, since Windows is case insensitive
> and web server is required understand URL as case insensitive. Why that
> Cgi-bin and cgi-bin differs on a windows-based server is beyond me.
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