[Tutor] First time webaps as example

Cezary Krzyżanowski cezary.krzyzanowski at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 16:42:02 CEST 2008


I'm encouraging the students I teach to use python for their webapps.
It's usually their first encounter with python, mostly even with
webapps. C#, PHP+MySQL is something put into them in my university.

So I'm looking for good ideas of first-time webaps to write. I tell them
to use django/pylons/turbogears to write something like kittenwars,
hotornot, a wiki, a simple shop, paster, a messageboard.

I'd like to find some other simple and interesting apps to show them,
similar to kittenwar and hotornot, as they attract the most students and
make them much more enthusiastic.

Since I'm already asking, maybe some ideas for other, 'non-webaps' to
show them to mimic and try out stuff like Pair Programming, Test Driven
Developement and other 'strange' (to them) ways of programming.

Thanks in advance,
Cz at rny

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