[Tutor] I am a web designer wanting to learn Python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed May 28 17:17:06 CEST 2008

"Michael yaV" <michael at yavarsity.com> wrote

> Where should I begin/go to learn how to create web apps using 
> Python?  I would like to create a dynamic "content managed" website 
> and I have  chosen Python as my language of choice. Can anybody show 
> me, a Mac  user, where I, a programming beginner, can find tutorials 
> for using  Python for web apps?

If you expect to write several apps you should choose a Web Framework.
The two most poular are TurboGears and Django. Both have websites,
search Google...

To use either you will need a good knowledge of Python programming
in a non Web way, for that try the standard list of tutorials for 
non-programmers or programmers from another language.


Then you can read about the fundamentals of web programming
in the Web Topic Guide area of the Python web site


If you do go for a Web Framework you might also like the ShowMeDo
website which has short video tutorials showing how to set up and
create yur first web site. They definitely do Django and I think
they might do TG too.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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