[Tutor] Randomize SSN value in field

GTXY20 gtxy20 at gmail.com
Thu May 22 18:14:56 CEST 2008

Hello all,

I will be dealing with an address list where I might have the following:

Name SSN
John 111111111
John 111111111
Jane 222222222
Jill 333333333

What I need to do is parse the address list and then create a unique random
unidentifiable value for the SSN field like so:

Name SSNrandomvalue
John 1a1b1c1d1
John 1a1b1c1d1
Jane 2a2b2c2d2
Jill 3a3b3c3d3

The unique random value does not have to follow this convention but it needs
to be unique so that I can relate it back to the original SSN when needed.
As opposed to using the random module I was thinking that it would be better
to use either sha or md5. Just curious as to thoughts on the correct

Thank you in advance.

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