[Tutor] Scripting Outlook

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Thu Mar 27 16:58:28 CET 2008

Justin Cardinal wrote:
> Can anyone direct me to some examples/documentation for using python to work
> with Outlook? So far, the most useful thing I've come across is a post from
> someone with problems adding an attachment:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2002-August/160894.html
> That actually got me far enough to create a basic message and send it with
> "To" recipients, subject and body filled out. I get a warning that a program
> is trying to access Outlook, which I then have to manually allow, and I
> think I've seen it suggested that this can be worked around. Also, I'd like
> to learn more, like how to use signatures and encryption, adding recipients
> to the "Cc" and "Bcc" fields, etc. Any suggestions would be much
> appreciated. Thanks!

I have some (very few) examples here:


and for moderately advanced stuff you can always try try the SpamBayes


but as far as I know no-one's produced a Pythonic wrapper for
Outlook so you're basically using standard CDO or Outlook
automation. Which means that any of the samples around the Web
should be applicable and fairly easily translated.

I'll try to rustle up some more examples from my own stash,
but the nature of my how-do-i pages is that they're small,
self-contained examples rather than extensive docs.


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