[Tutor] CSV file processing...

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Mon Mar 24 17:30:40 CET 2008

Spencer Parker wrote:
> I am pretty sure it is trying to tell me that the data I have is not 
> matching up with the columns I have in mysql.

Yes, I think so.
> The output I get from the print next is this:
> ['test.test.net <http://test.test.net>', '15:33:59', 'x86_64', '8', '9', 
> '1', '4', '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '4', '0.0', '12495360', '818688', 
> '0', '36', 'core.none.com <http://core.none.com>', '0.', '0.', '', '', 
> '', '']
> I have 25 columns in my MySQL database and it appears to be grabbing 25 
> items.

Does it print any more lines, for example a line with no data that would 
look like

How many values are in the row of input? What is your current code? The 
last one you posted seems to have an incorrect indent, the co.execute() 
doesn't look like it is inside the loop.


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