[Tutor] list

Steve Willoughby steve at alchemy.com
Sat Mar 22 01:41:46 CET 2008

elis aeris wrote:
> arra = [0] * 10 ?

If you want a list of ten zeroes, yes.

A couple of suggestions:

Find a tutorial introduction to Python such as those on python.org, or
google for "dive into python", and go through the examples in there.

Also, use the interactive Python interpreter to try out things like
this.  You'll probably make much faster progress that way compared to
asking such fine-grained questions here.  This is not really a forum
for a long conversational sort of interaction or complete step-by-step
tutorials on Python.

> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 5:29 PM, Andreas Kostyrka <andreas at kostyrka.org>
> wrote:
>> Empty?
>> array = []
>> If you want to assign 10 "None", that would be:
>> array = [None] * 10
>> Andreas
>> Am Freitag, den 21.03.2008, 17:03 -0700 schrieb elis aeris:
>>> how do I create an empy int array of 10?
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