[Tutor] Converter

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 19 16:34:11 CET 2008

"Jack Lucas" <jacklucas at mac.com> wrote

>I am trying to make a converter for Python on my Mac.
> I know I can find one online, but this is more satisfying.

Have you looked at the Cocoa tutorial on using Python on MacOS?
It is just such a convertor(for currency). Using that as a template it
should be easy to modify it to use different units.


> Also if someone would not mind explaining WHY I do certain 
> functions,
> as I am new to Python.

Its best if you give us examples. If you don't know why then ask here.

You may find the Cocoa tutorial too deep if you are that new and
a simple text based solution might be more appropriate. But the
actual coding in the Cocoa app is very little and it does look a
lot better! :-).

Alan G. 

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