[Tutor] Hard time understanding classes

Ian Ozsvald ian at showmedo.com
Thu Mar 13 18:35:00 CET 2008

Hi Norm.  Jerol created a 3-part video series on Python Objects, he uses IPython to talk about how and why they work:

If you find his videos useful do please leave him a comment - authors love to know that their work is appreciated.


Norm All wrote:
> Hello,
> I am learning python and so far have done pretty well, until I got to 
> the subject of classes which I have been struggling to understand for a 
> while. I have not found any easy to understand tutorial on the web or 
> looking in some books for a clear step by step example. Would  
> appreciate any help or links to read.
> Regards.
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Ian at ShowMeDo.com

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