[Tutor] Make sound with python? Cross platform?

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Sun Mar 9 15:17:11 CET 2008

Wesley Brooks wrote:
> Dear Users,
> I've been digging around to try and find a way to make python make
> sound. I would either like to sound out a string of musical notes
> including rests or simply have something that I set the frequency and
> duration then sound and repeat for the number of notes.
> If possible I would prefer a solution that is cross platform, and
> standard library but would settle for Linux only solutions that can be
> downloaded - which preferably don't need compiling.

pygame and pyglet+avbin both play sounds, are cross-platform and have 
binaries available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

The "Playing and creating sound" section of this page looks promising:


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