[Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)

Ian Ozsvald ian at showmedo.com
Wed Mar 5 10:15:08 CET 2008

Hi Allen.  I don't know of a Python module but I believe that ffmpeg will do what you want.  Inside ShowMeDo I start it using os.spawnv and I use Python to do some processing on ffmpeg's output.  We use it to transcode incoming AVI/MOVs to .FLV files.  This would be more involved than just using a module.

I've never looked at ffmpeg's handling of metadata but looking at the help I see:
ian at ian-desktop:~$ ffmpeg
-title string       set the title
-timestamp time     set the timestamp
-author string      set the author
-copyright string   set the copyright
-comment string     set the comment
-album string       set the album
which might be what you're after?

You should also be able to use ffmpeg for automated conversion to MP4.  The only drawback is that ffmpeg might not understand the most recent WMV formats (WMV9 if memory serves) as Microsoft won't open the spec.


Allen Fowler wrote:
> Hello,
>  I have several hundred WMV video files with bad embedded author/title/date information. 
> However, the correct information is correctly encoded in the file name.. i.e. "title-author-date.wmv" 
> Seems like the a great job for Python. :)
> Also, I am about to convert these fiiles to MP4 for use on an iPod. The video software I am using will, I think, transfer the metadata from the WMV to the new MP4 files. 
> So, two questions: 
> 1) Does these exist a python module I can use to programatically edit the metadata in MP4 
>  files? 
> 2) Failing that, is there a python module I can use to edit the 
>  metadata in the WMV files? (hopeing the data makes it through the 
>  conversion..)
> -- Thank you 
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Ian at ShowMeDo.com

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