[Tutor] Transporting Voices For Sapi

FT chester_lab at fltg.net
Wed Jun 25 14:01:46 CEST 2008


    I am sending the latest version of my voice package and 2 different
tests. When compiling the Voice2.py you may get an error if you do not have
MSVcp.dll copied into your setup.py file. In other words a copy command to
copy the dll from your system32 folder. For if you do not, some computers it
is run on will fail if they do not have that dll installed.

    I noticed that when compiling the Voice2 using py2exe and sending it to
someone else that it does not take the voices with it. I was wondering if
anyone knows how that can be done? How to wrap the voices you have installed
into the py2exe compiled version?

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