[Tutor] newbie graphing question

Peter Petto ppetto at apk.net
Sun Jul 27 14:40:16 CEST 2008

I'm about to try some Python programming for drawing simple geometric 
pictures (for math classes I teach) and was hoping to get some advice 
that will send me off in the best direction.

I want to write programs that can draw figures with commands akin to 
point(x,y) to draw a point at coordinates (x,y), or segment 
(x1,y1,x2, y2) to draw a segment between points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)?

I'd appreciate recommendations as to the best facility or library to 
use to this end. I primarily use a Mac, but my students primarily use 

I'd love to hear any and all pointers or comments. Thanks!


Peter Petto <ppetto at apk.net>
Bay Village, OH   tel: 440.249.4289

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