[Tutor] list objects are unhashable

Norman Khine norman at khine.net
Tue Jul 1 09:09:56 CEST 2008

Here is the 'full' code as such which gets the data from the files.

         ## Classify the users
         table = {}
         table[('', '')] = 0
         for x in horizontal_criterias:
             table[(x['id'], '')] = 0
         for y in vertical_criterias:
             table[('', y['id'])] = 0
         for x in horizontal_criterias:
             x = x['id']
             for y in vertical_criterias:
                 table[(x, y['id'])] = 0

         for brain in brains:
             x = getattr(brain, horizontal)
             if isinstance(x, list):
                 for item in x:
                     x = item
             y = getattr(brain, vertical)
             if isinstance(y, list):
                 for item in y:
                     y = item
             if x and y and (x, y) in table:
                 table[(x, y)] += 1
                 table[(x, '')] += 1
                 table[('', y)] += 1
                 table[('', '')] += 1

table is a dictionary, which returns, for example:

{   ('', ''): 1,
     ('', 'fr'): 0,
     ('', 'uk'): 1,
     ('', 'us'): 0,
     ('airport-car-parking', ''): 2,
     ('airport-car-parking', 'fr'): 0,
     ('airport-car-parking', 'uk'): 2,
     ('airport-car-parking', 'us'): 0,
     ('air-taxi-operators', ''): 1,
     ('air-taxi-operators', 'fr'): 0,
     ('air-taxi-operators', 'uk'): 1,
     ('air-taxi-operators', 'us'): 0,
     ('worldwide-attractions-and-ticket-agents', ''): 0,
     ('worldwide-attractions-and-ticket-agents', 'fr'): 0,
     ('worldwide-attractions-and-ticket-agents', 'uk'): 0,
     ('worldwide-attractions-and-ticket-agents', 'us'): 0}

The output is something like:

country |airport-car|air-taxi-operators|airlines-schedule| total
france  |0	    |0		       |0		|0
uk	|2	    |0		       |0		|2
us	|0          |0		       |0		|0
total	|2	    |0                 |0		|2

What I can't seem to figure out is how to do a cumulative sum for each 
record, for example, my files contain:

<topic>airport-car air-taxi-operators</topic>

<topic>airport-car air-taxi-operators airlines-schedule</topic>


If I put a print, to see what is listed, in this code

             if isinstance(x, list):
                 for item in x:
                     x = item

I get:


Which is correct, but the table only counts the first item of the tuple.

Ideally my table should be:

country |airport-car|air-taxi-operators|airlines-schedule| total
france  |0	    |0		       |0		|0
uk	|2	    |2		       |1		|2
us	|0          |0		       |0		|0
total	|2	    |2                 |1		|2



Martin Walsh wrote:
> Hi Norman,
> Norman Khine wrote:
>>         for brain in brains:
>>             x = getattr(brain, horizontal)
>>             x = string.join(x, '' )
>>             y = getattr(brain, vertical)
>>             y = string.join(y, '' )
>>             if x and y and (x, y) in table:
>>                 table[(x, y)] += 1
>>                 table[(x, '')] += 1
>>                 table[('', y)] += 1
>>                 table[('', '')] += 1
> For what it's worth, string.join has been deprecated since the addition
> of the join method for str and unicode types. Other deprecated string
> module functions are documented here: http://docs.python.org/lib/node42.html
> If I'm not mistaken, the conventional form would be:
>   x = ''.join(x)
>> So now my list becomes a string, which is not really good for me, as
>> this fails when there is more then one item.
>> Is there a better way to loop through this and sum up all occurrences of
>> each entry ie  'airport-car-parking'
> Maybe, can you show us a brief excerpt of what 'table' might look like
> before the loop, and what you expect it to look like after one
> iteration, with data samples for both x and y?
> Most likely it's just me, but I'm having trouble reconciling your code
> examples with your questions. AFAICT, either you want more than just a
> simple count of occurrences from your data set, or you have some
> confusion regarding dictionaries (if 'table' is a dictionary, of course).
> If you want a count of each unique occurrence in a list -- not sure if
> it's better, but something like this might get you started (untested):
> from sets import Set
> x = ['airlines-scheduled', 'airport-car-parking',
>      'more-than-100ml', 'do-not-bring-toothpaste',
>      'airport-car-parking', 'airlines-scheduled']
> entity_count = dict((item, x.count(item)) for item in Set(x))
> print entity_count['airlines-scheduled']
> # 2
> HTH,
> Marty
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