[Tutor] IronPython, the wii remote, and blender

Timothy Sikes trs164 at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 26 22:57:49 CET 2008

Well, I was playing my Wii the other day and then sat down to mess around on blender. Then I had an idea! What if the Wii remote could be used as an input device for blender? It would be great for 3d modeling, and you could always switch back to a mouse and keyboard for more precise control.

So my next thought was.... Is it possible? Obviously it would be somehow, but whether it would be feasible or not for me I had to research.  I remebered that they have a wii remote library for vb.net and C#(http://blogs.msdn.com/coding4fun/archive/2007/03/14/1879033.aspx), and IronPython is a .net framework.   Would it be fairly easy to convert their code to work with IronPython?  After that is working, I would might need some help from someone who already knows the blender source, or who can write externals for it fairly well. 

Basically, is it feasible to do the above?  If I decide to carry this project out, it would take a lot of planning.  Is there anyone out there willing to help?

Oh, and if this is just a crazy idea, please tell me so. => (I got this message in plain text this time!)
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