[Tutor] SSH with Python

Jeff Younker jeff at drinktomi.com
Thu Feb 28 02:15:31 CET 2008

> What's the path to ssh under windows vista?  Paramiko is a pure  
> python implementation of the SSH protocol, so it should run on any  
> platform.

Paramiko rocks.  I have a deployment system that works on linux, osx,
and windows without a hitch.  If you're writing a custom SSH server or
doing tunneling then Paramiko is your choice. It is however something
of a pain to use.

> Besides, IMHO, expect, pexpect, Perl::Expect... the entire concept  
> is a horrible, horrible kludge and should only be used as a last  
> resort when no other interface is possible.

In my experience most applications for SSH involve running
other programs(via the command line on a remote machine.
Pexpect gives you the tools to control those remote processes.
Paramiko does not.

It is a  horrible, horrible hack but in 95% of the cases it
works better than the sleek elegant way, and it takes far, far
less time and effort.


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