[Tutor] Understanding the ImageDraw Options

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 14 00:29:47 CET 2008

"Wayne Watson" <sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net> wrote

Caveat, I've never used ImageDraw....

>I started getting acquainted with the ImageDraw class (Object). 
><http://effbot.org/imagingbook/imagedraw.htm>  My question
> here is are there more detailed explanations somewhere
> for the options?

There is an Options section on the page linked which describes
the available options:

Options #
outline integer or tuple

fill integer or tuple

font ImageFont instance

> It gives no idea what the choices are for options in the argument 
> list.

I believe its intended to be any of the standard options that are
applicable, for lines that would just be fill. (Although a note 
a new width option which is not listed under options!)

I agree the documentation is limited but unfortunately thats one of
the common penalties of using open source software. If yopu really
need to know read the module source code... At least thats
possible with open source! :-)

> This contrasts with the more detailed descriptions in
> the document at New Mexico Tech, which goes into considerable
> detail on options for the Tkinter class.

Yes, but Tk and Tkinter have both been around for a very long
time and are widely used. Plenty time for documentation to be
written. PIL has been around for a while but is much less widely
used and ImageDraw is even more recent and more specialised.

Your best bet may be to ask on a PIL mailing list or try
the main comp.lang.python usenet group.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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