[Tutor] Various Topics from IDLE to ImageDraw Options

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Feb 13 21:05:18 CET 2008

"Wayne Watson" <sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net> wrote

Hi Wayne, welcome to the tutor list.

One wee point, dont reply to existing messages with a new
subject. Those of us using threaded readers are likely to
miss it unless we are folowing the thread. tHis one popped
up halfway through the long thread on POOP!

Now to your questions:

> I've begun with IDLE and have a few questions about it.
> Although, I've been able to set breakpoints, I see no
> way to clear then all. Is there a way,

I don;t think there is a clear all option.

If you are on Windows I recommend you get the Pythonwin
IDE (in the winall package) it has a much better debugger
and in fact is better in almost every way than IDLE. If you
are on Linux using Eclipse and the PyDev plugin might be
a better option.

Alternatively try WinPdb as a stand alone Pyton debugger.

> and is there a way to tell what line # I'm on when
> examining source

There should be a part of the status bar at the bottom right
that tells you line and column.

> though I have a popular book on Python (Lucas?), I just found a 
> short
> tro to Python OOP on the web that looks like a good quick start into
> e subject. <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/OOP.shtml>

Most tutorials should have an OOP tiopic, mine certainly has...

Try the python web site for lots of tutorials and how-tos etc.
Explote the topic guides.

> ttp://infohost.nmt.edu/tcc/help/pubs/tkinter.pdf> by John Shipman.

Again, check the Tkinter section of the web site for lots more links.
My tutorial also has a very basic intro, but it sounds like you are
past it already :-)

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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